Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: What is going on YouTube? If you click on the video, then I'm assuming you're trying to improve your time for your Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), or maybe you just want to improve your score. Okay, um, I think I ran like a thirteen forty over at Fort Knox on my last APFT. My best time in college was a twelve fifty-eight, and in high school, I went like an eleven forty-seven. So as you can see, the times, as I got older, they got slower because I got slightly bigger. I was really, really skinnier than what I am now, guys. And that's all I did was run every day. Now I'm trying to do both. So of course, my times are going to get a little slower, but I still know how to run. I will teach you what I did to maintain my time and keep it within the Army standard. Let's get started. One more thing before we get started, alright? You don't need a track and you don't need a treadmill to run. All you need is your body, your shoes, and the open road. That is all you need. And honestly, I prefer to run outside because that's where the real training happens. I've never gotten faster training on the treadmill. You can probably shed some fat, but if you're trying to get faster, do not run on the treadmill. Actually, I hate to see people walking on treadmills when you can walk outside. I hate to see people walking on the track if you're not resting, because you can walk outside. You're wasting money. So yeah, I'm gonna stop babbling on. I'm actually getting some video. Alright, guys, that's the video. It's windy out here, so...
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Apft run chart Form: What You Should Know
The soldiers completed the push-ups and sit-ups sections in the correct sequence. Fitness Testing Push up/Sit up sections 2 miles 2 miles Push up/Seat Belt Check — USArmyBasic All Soldiers are required to perform a push-up test while wearing a belt. If a soldier's test score is below 75, or if the soldier is already wearing a belt or does not wish to wear a belt, he/she must use the “no belt” option. In the event the soldier does not pass the belt check, the test is to be repeated during 1 mile of running.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Apft run chart